
Who we are

Florozon, founded in 2005, is a non-governmental, non-profit and independent organization working on the promotion and protection of citizens' access rights, environmental democracy and poverty reduction. Furthermore, it actively works on the promotion of human health rights, safer environment and the improvement of quality of life both on domestic level and international level. The operations of Florozon also encompass other areas that are connected to the environment such as agriculture and rural development.

We have a
Mission and Objectives

To work on the development of environmental democracy and to advocate environmental policy reform.

- To protect citizens' interests related to environmental rights (access to information, participation and access to justice);
- To promote environmental democracy;
- To strengthen the rule of law in environmental matters;
- To promote sustainable development in the environment, the agro-food sector and the overall economy

Our Values

The values of CED Florozon are the driving force behind the organization’s actions. The team is led by several values, which are established as a firm pillar concerning the manner of functioning of the organization.


Integrity – the team of Florozon deals with issues that are of crucial importance to everybody, therefore we all aim to primarily reach complete integrity. The popular belief at CED Florozon is that the clean environment as a public good is of highest importance to everybody and must be approached through integrity, as crucial moral and ethical value.

Inspiration – as we strive to improve the environmental situation, there is new inspiration every day, due to the fact that there is so much to do for the love of our planet and nature. On the other hand, the nature itself provides us with fresh ideas and keeps us inspired each and every day.

Accountability – as a non-governmental organization, we strive to lead by example and we promote the values of accountability and transparency. Our work principles are founded on these values and for us, accountability is crucial to improve the level of trust within the civil society.

Empowerment – our team members need to be fully empowered to be able to give their best and take initiatives whenever and wherever possible. Empowerment is one of our leading values as we believe it is necessary for responsibility and self-determination within the organization.

Partnership – in almost all of our activities we initiate collaboration, especially in the form of partnership because the environment advocates must act together in order to achieve greater successes.

Responsibility – promoting responsibility is yet another value that within CED Florozon’s team is highly respected and mutually promoted. We all believe that we have responsibility towards our planet to keep it clean and safe, so that we can all use the benefits that subsequently follow.

Community – the team of CED Florozon has one common goal and thus the actions we overtake are in light of community values. The ‘three P’s” that are leading in the plan are directed for, and need to be conducted throughout the community, as well.

Teamwork – our belief here at Florozon is that teamwork is crucial for all of our successes. Our team works together and our focal point is that ‘teamwork makes the dream work’.

Become a Volunteer

You can play a vital role in our organization to help achieve our mission


Headquarter address:

Vizbegovo str.2/46
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Executive office address:

Nikola Parapunov str 41,
1st floor, local 102 (Makotex building),
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

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