Environment and climate change

Climate change as a popular phenomenon of existential importance needs to be addressed, emphasized and approached every day by different stakeholders within the society. In this sense, CED Florozon will act in direction of raising awareness firstly, and monitoring secondly.

Agriculture and Rural Development

Throughout the recent years, in Republic of North Macedonia which is predominantly agricultural country, so to speak, the farmers have been facing some serious risks. The climate change has taken its toll on agricultural production and the national farmers which are not highly modernized and familiar with technological developments have been in the front row to feel this. It may be said agriculture is one of the most affected areas when we speak about climate change consequences. Therefore, this most vulnerable area of the national economy is in serious need of adaptation to the climate change. CED Florozon has been working on climate adaptation measures for farmers and agro-ecological measures, and will continue to do so in future as agriculture is a primary economic branch that we all highly depend on.

Green economy

As the global consumption rates continuously grow, new options for production are required. With green economy concept promoting reduction of environmental risks deriving from economic development, CED Florozon will act in this direction as well. Highly intertwined with the concept of sustainable development, the activities will be in similar regards – with one goal: environmental improvement. The transition to low carbon economies which efficiently utilize their resources and are socially inclusive simultaneously, seems inevitable in this era. Therefore the actions of CED Florozon will focus on promotion of the basic concepts in green economy as such, and will additionally monitor the measures already, or about to be, taken.

Sustainable Development

In 2015, the United Nations have adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 goals to accomplish, commonly referred to as global goals. These goals include important areas, such as climate change and sustainable consumption which are of exceptional importance to the vision and mission of Florozon. In 2020, CED Florozon will closely follow the implementation of these 17 SDGs in the Republic of North Macedonia. The SDGs will also be utilized in the form of a powerful advocacy campaign in order to advance and improve the concerned national policies. In addition, CED Florozon will continue to influence the relevant institutions to adopt strategies, plans and documents of this sort in harmony with the SDGs. After all, everybody should be aware that only sustainable development will help us to preserve the planet for future generations.

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Headquarter address:

Vizbegovo str.2/46
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Executive office address:

Nikola Parapunov str 41,
1st floor, local 102 (Makotex building),
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

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