Environment awareness

Aware that not just the policy-makers constitute the society, CED Florozon will also continue to inform the citizens to raise the level of awareness of a clean and healthy environment. Moreover, the organization will continue contributing towards strengthening the capacities of NGOs, in order to advocate and lobby together in front of the national political stakeholders.



Keeping in mind that almost everything starts and depends on education, CED Florozon will continue to keep this one of the program activities’ priority. Education plays a significant role in prevention and when it comes to environmental protection, preservation and pollution, this is most important component of the behavioral cycle. We will work on education as frequently as possible in all program activity spheres, targeting all social groups regardless of age, profession, gender or other characteristics. The long-term goal in this regard is to have environmental education in formal institutions for children of youngest age and all activities will move in this direction.

Policy and Advocacy

In complementarity to the policy analysis, CED Florozon will continue acting on policy advocacy, as well, since this is one of the fundamental pillars of the organization. Environmental issues affect us all, without any exceptions, which is why the civil society sector must ensure rightful and just policy processes. The CSOs need to strengthen their capacities to improve the level and success of environmental lobby, and CED Florozon aims to contribute towards this by initiating policy dialogue, partnership, cooperation and collaboration. The joint action must be in direction of change leverage, social mobilization and persuasion. The question of clean, healthy and safe environment must move upwards the priority list of the national institutions and this must be a subject of advocacy in the near future. The civil sector shall also ensure that the environmental policies will be effective and efficient for both the short-run and the long-run.


Promotion of the three pillars of the Aarhus convention remains a top priority of the organization, thus CED Florozon will continue to act in regards to the right of access to information concerning environmental matters. In relation to this, the organization will exercise maximum efforts concerning timely information publication, as well as entirety of the information, not excluding the principle of clarity. The citizens have the right to know about decisions that affect them and their wellbeing and when it comes to environment, the two are almost always inevitably interconnected. Keeping in mind that mutual action is needed for a better effect, CED Florozon will continue working on inspiration and support for local initiatives that will provide the grass-root impact effect and will serve as control mechanisms on local level.



Headquarter address:

Vizbegovo str.2/46
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Executive office address:

Nikola Parapunov str 41,
1st floor, local 102 (Makotex building),
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

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