
Our projects and their impact on environment

July-December, 2020 - Be responsible for yourself and our environment during the pandemic

Name of project: Be responsible for yourself and our environment during the pandemic (July-December, 2020)

Donor: Department for Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations at the General Secretariat - Government of RN Macedonia

Implementer: Florozon – Centre for Environmental Democracy

Overall objective:

Contribute the fight against coronavirus spread by proper disposal of the so-called COVID-19 waste and mitigation of the consequences of the pandemic on citizens, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable social groups.

Specific goal::

Minimize the environmental pollution from improper disposal of "infectious" but mandatory disposable masks and gloves.

2018 - Healthy Environment for Healthy Employees
2017-2018 - Citizens as active partner in water policy reform IPA/TAIB12-7457/1
2016-2017 - Development of Environmental Investigative Journalism (IPA/2015/370-710)
2016 - Local Action for Global Climate Adaptation
2018-2020 - Equal Access for Effective Justice
2014-2015 - Right to know – right now!
2012-2013 - Project title: Improvement of the Environmental Legal Framework in the Field of Water Supply Consumer Right in the Republic of Macedonia
2012-2013 - Improving of the living conditions in the Institute for Rehabilitation of Children and Youths with Special Needs in Skopje (IRCYSN)
2009-2010 - US Embassy Skopje
2008-2010 - World Resurce Institute-USA/World Bank
2010-2011 - City of Skopje
2009-2010 - International Budget Partnership - IBP
2011 - Norwegian Embassy Skopje
2009-2010 - Norwegian Embassy Skopje
2006-2008 - British Embassy Skopje/ DEFRA UK
2009 - German Embassy Skopje
2009 - European ECO Bureau - Brussels
2007 - Norwegian Embassy Skopje
2005 - DEFRA - The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


Headquarter address:

Vizbegovo str.2/46
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Executive office address:

Nikola Parapunov str 41,
1st floor, local 102 (Makotex building),
1000 Skopje, Macedonia

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