Our projects and their impact on environment
Name of project: Be responsible for yourself and our environment during the pandemic (July-December, 2020)
Donor: Department for Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations at the General Secretariat - Government of RN Macedonia
Implementer: Florozon – Centre for Environmental Democracy
Overall objective:
Contribute the fight against coronavirus spread by proper disposal of the so-called COVID-19 waste and mitigation of the consequences of the pandemic on citizens, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable social groups.
Specific goal::
Minimize the environmental pollution from improper disposal of "infectious" but mandatory disposable masks and gloves.
Name of project: Healthy Environment for Healthy Employees (2018)
Donor: European Commission through the grant scheme of Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association
The aim of the project is to promote the need for improvement of the national OSH legislation through application of the investigative journalism based on partnership and cooperation among the CSOs, media and relevant institutions in the Republic of Macedonia
- Specific objectives of the project are:
- Identification and definition of the gaps in the national legislative vis-à-vis the health and safety of the workers working outdoors in conditions of enormous air pollution
- Raising awareness on prevention of the work-related diseases and accidents
Enabling OSH investigative case - research journalism aimed at achieving safe, productive and healthy working environment of the employees
Name of project: Citizens as active partner in water policy reform IPA/TAIB12-7457/1 (2017-2018)
Donor: Central Financing and Contracting Department - Ministry of Finance as a part of the program for “Strengthened inclusion of the civil society in the reforms on the path to EU integrations” (Europe Aid/138660/ID/ACT/MK)
Overall Objective:
The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards improvement of the inclusion of the civil society in the creating, implementing and monitoring of the policies for water management. The specific goal is building the CSOs’ capacities for active and sustainable participation in the processes of enacting decisions for water management, but also as a protection of the water consumers’ rights through networking and partnership development.
Name of project: Development of Environmental Investigative Journalism (IPA/2015/370-710) (2016-2017)
Donor: EU Delegation grant scheme “Civil Society Support Action 2014 for building the capacities of the civil society organizations and freedom of the media” - Europe Aid/136-992/DD/ACT/MK
Implementer: Florozon – Centre for Environmental Democracy
Overall Objective:The overall objective of the project “Development of ecological research journalism” is to strengthen the cooperation between the civil society organizations and the media.
Specific goals of the project:
- Development of the research journalism based on cooperation among the civil society organizations and media houses;
- Creating a function of a supervisor which will be undertaken through the introduction of innovative tools for civil journalism.
- Improved eco-journalism based on cooperation, networking, exchange of relevant information, as well as providing financial support.
Name of project: Local Action for Global Climate Adaptation (2016)
Donor: Embassy of Germany in Skopje
General objective of the project is enabling green development through transfer of knowledge and public awareness on adverse effects of climate changes on agriculture in the Republic of Macedonia. Specific objectives are:
- Informing the farming community on the adverse effects of global warming
- Development and transfer of knowledge on key stakeholders in Macedonia
Promotion of agricultural adaptation measures to climate changes
Name of project: Equal Access for Effective Justice (2018-2020)
Donor: Central Financing and Contracting Department - Ministry of Finance, through the grant scheme “Strengthening the impact of the civil society in effective justice sector reforms” EuropeAid/159467/ID/ACT/MK
Implementer: Florozon – Centre for Environmental Democracy and EMLA (Environmental Management and Law Association)
Overall objective:
The project overall objective is to give a contribution towards creation of an independent, impartial, efficient, quality and transparent judiciary, responsible for the protection of individual rights and freedoms of thee citizens, thereby to enable appropriate protection of the public interest. на јавниот интерес
Specific goals:
- To contribute to the building of an effective legal aid system in the country;
- To increase the existing capacities of the civil society organizations and the relevant institution representatives on environmental law and free legal aid opportunities;
- To enable inter-sectorial and multi-stakeholder cooperation based on partnership and networking vis-à-vis the judicial reform for free legal aid;
- To provide the enabling environment for the marginalized groups;
To raise the awareness of the public on the right on environmental justice and existing legal remedying mechanisms i.e. free legal aid mechanism.
Name of project: Right to know – right now! (2014-2015)
Donor: Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Serbia
The overall objective is to give a contribution towards the implementation of monitoring of PRTR in the Republic of Macedonia. The specific objective is enhancement of capacity of key PRTR stakeholders in the Republic of Macedonia. The goal of this project is to enhance the capacity PRTR stakeholders to interact with and to monitor institutions and bodies responsible for development and implementation for the national PRTR system of Macedonia.
Name of project: Project title: Improvement of the Environmental Legal Framework in the Field of Water Supply Consumer Right in the Republic of Macedonia (2012-2013)
Donor: Embassy of the United Kingdom in Macedonia
The main objective of the project is to implement integrated approach in managing the water resources in Macedonia by changing and amending the Law on Water in the R. of Macedonia. The results should be publishing an Analysis of the Water Supply Consumer Rights and amendments to the aforementioned Law.
Name of project: Project Title: Improving of the living conditions in the Institute for Rehabilitation of Children and Youths with Special Needs in Skopje (IRCYSN) (2012-2013)
Donor: Embassy of Japan in Austria
The aim of the project is partial renovation of the institute, thereby improving the quality of life and health of the children and youths living in the IRCYSN. The main result is complete renovation of 8 (eight) sanitary knots located in the dormitory area of the institution. Namely, the overall water and sewer pipeline was replaced with new one, as well as toilet equipment were replaced too.
Name of the project: Opening the Door to Environmental Democracy
Florozon implemented 3 training programs throughout Macedonia for the representatives of the local self-government and the interested NGOs.